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Air Gong presents a T4T fantasy love story made for Yuri Jam 2024

Prisoner of the Mist

Selindae, wielder of a cursed crystalline blade known as The Red Festival, has long wandered the fringes of the Young Kingdoms in search of some kind of justice. Ignoring local wisdom, she travels into the deep woods, where her life is nearly claimed by the cold, shadowy clutches of the Mist Eaters. 

Her savior comes in the form of a woman named Lynolell; kind, gentle, and tinged with melancholy mystery. As Selindae begins to develop feelings towards her rescuer, she'll come into conflict with an ancient force deep within the forest, all while Lynolell's fate hangs in the balance. What secrets does she hold? Can Selindae spare her from a bitter end? And if so, what must she sacrifice? In the end, she'll have to rely on the strongest force of all; the love between transgender women.


  •  An 18k word trans lesbian love story
  • Expressive paper doll style sprites
  • An exciting and emotional original soundtrack
  • Beautifully illustrated event CGs
  • And more!


  • Writing, programming, and wiggly paintings by Crystal DeForest
  • Original character designs by Sadie DeForest
  • Original sprites by Alexandra Ferm (Alexandra IDV)
  •  Event CGs by ROSENYMPH, sparkle goat, and Alexandra Ferm (Alexandra IDV)
  • Original music by Kollumos and BibiXP
  • Ambient sound by Froey
  •  Proofread by Nikki, Weiss, and Alexandra Ferm (Alexandra IDV)

Content Warning

Prisoner of the Mist is intended for mature audiences. Please click on the arrow to read the content warning before playing. Violent descriptions, visuals with blood, allusions to transphobia, gender dysphoria
PlatformsWindows, macOS, Linux, Android
Rated 4.9 out of 5 stars
(15 total ratings)
AuthorAir Gong
GenreVisual Novel
TagsFairy Tale, Fantasy, Female Protagonist, Lesbian, LGBT, LGBTQIA, Queer, Romance, Transgender, Yuri


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Click download now to get access to the following files:

prisoner-of-the-mist-win-linux.zip 380 MB
Version 1.0
prisoner-of-the-mist-osx.zip 375 MB
Version 1.0
com.airgong.prisonerofthemist-1.001-1733585080-release.apk 391 MB

Development log


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An absolutely gorgeous tale of isolation, re-connection, and heartfelt romance. Can’t recommend this one enough 💜


I love this story. For me, it really captured the feeling of being isolated as a queer person and finding someone to connect with, and then the even bigger joy in finding genuine romance with that person strong enough to change your whole life and sense of self for the better. This is a special type of trans story that I connect strongly to the struggle to find and hold on to community during the pandemic, but I can see how just living anywhere without a large queer community could feel like this.

Overall, it's beautiful and delicate but does not shy away from trans reality, in this amazing fantasy. 



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Vorgeschlagen von: sciencefreakshow

Zunächst einmal: Ich finde prinzipiell cool eine Geschichte um eine Translesbische Romanze bzw. Liebesgeschichte zu verpacken. Leider ist das Szenario welche um die Liebesbeziehung gestrickt ist sehr klischeehaft und abgedroschen. Ich meine ich verstehe es, wenn man genau in so einem Szenario eine Repräsentanz erzielen möchte, allerdings möchte ich nicht immer wieder die gleichen Geschichten hören und finde, das gerade spannend, wenn neuartige Geschichten erfunden werden.

Zumindest wirkt die erste halbe Stunde sehr als würde die Geschichte genau so verlaufen und ich hätte mir einfach einen frischen Ansatz gewünscht. Oder aber eine eindeutige Neuinterpretation von bereits vorhandenem. Unabhängig davon wirkt leider der Artstyle einfach willkürlich zusammengewürfelt, ohne definierten Stil und sehr Skizzenhaft oder unausgearbeitet. Ein klar definierter Stil, wäre sehr viel immersiver und auch angenehmer zu betrachten.

Ich will es hier mal nicht Ăśberanalysieren, aber fĂĽr ein gratis Visual Novel was vermutlich in kurzer Zeit entstanden ist, kann man sich besonders wenn man sich angesprochen fĂĽhlt bestimmt gut unterhalten lassen. Objektiv gesehen ist aber Prisoner of the Mist zumindest in der ersten halben Stunde leider nichts besonderes.


Dito: 3/5

Chat: 2.2/5

Gesamt: 2.6/5


I played this several weeks ago and forgot to write a comment! I really loved this VN; it has a really fresh take on the fantasy genre.

Some of my favorite things:

1) The art style/fight animations, specifically representing blood. There's a unqiue mix of hand drawn illustrations and expressive photographs that I've never seen in a VN before. It reads like an underground, queer art movie.

2) The love story. From a trans perspective, the final resolution *will* made me cry. Happy tears, but it really tugged at my heartstrings.

3) Using the themes of possession by Selindae and the themes of being "captured" by Lynolell in a very queer, woman-focused way that neither robs them of their agency but also puts them in a very dramatic position. 

If the fantasy genre was more like this, I'd read more of it. Such great work! <3


This was incredibly moving, super expressive, and really well-done! <3
Loved the fantasy/fairy-tale worldbuilding revealed in touches gradually, with all those lovely mythic archetypes, everything about it was super fascinating! The staging of the action scenes was super fun, and so were the cutouts and beautiful backgrounds.

And of course, the love story itself was basically heart-rending… I just really loved everything about this story, can’t wait to read more set in the same universe!


Aaaaaaaaaa it's super good! And intense!


This is really cool! I love the image animations and transitions, and the writing is floral and evocative. You did an awesome job!


Maaaan this was so good! I can see maybe some influence for this story from some gaelic folk tales I've heard before, but to have such an amazing trans and yuri twist on it and have it come across so naturally is great. The writing was strong, it really felt like I was reading a modern myth.

I loved the use of paintings for the backgrounds and similar cutouts for enemies and other characters, especially the mist fae. It looked really cool and fit the story well, I think.

Also the yuri was exceptional :D I really, really like this one!


Wenda (Me): Man… I wish I was a trans woman. 


Enjoyed this a lot! A great story, and a really beautiful combination of visual styles.


I really love these two! Lynolell is definitely my favorite though. I am curious about the other places these two encountered. ♥️


i loved this so much its so beautiful :3


Peak yuri? Peak yuri. Woe to those that don't see it.